Thursday, October 18, 2012

Drunks, Pilas and Pants!

We have become the pila delivery pros!!! Well, we are pros at gathering people to help us carry them! Haha. Guillermo has been the biggest help of them all! He always brings the young men with us. We appreciate them so much! We delivered this pila to the branch president of the Seamay branch. He was just called as president but the branch is struggling and they aren’t being very supportive of him because of his social class. They have no source of water. They have a big plastic tarp to catch the rain to use for drinking, washing, bathing, everything!  They also cook on an open fire in the same room that everyone sleeps in. He is such a humble man and he never thinks of himself. Even when he has nothing he is still thinking of others. The other day there was a homeless lady on the street with 2 kids and he wanted to figure out what he could do to help them. It was amazing to us that you could have time to think of others when you are in the same situation that he is in.  They were so grateful when we delivered the pila and thanked us multiple times and told us how much we have blessed their family. 

Today while eating dinner at Lorena’s comedor we had a nice long chat! She is such a sweet lady and we love her! She is going to help me find some of the fancy fancy aprons that the kekchi women wear. I am determined to find them before I go home! They aren’t in this town, and you have to buy them from certain people far away from here. Lorena was asking us all about the plane ride because she had never been on an airplane before! She was asking us how long it took, then she asked us about what we ate when we had to travel that long and I told her that it took about 8 hours and they fed us snacks and drinks. Then she said with a completely serious and concerned look on her face, “And what do you do with the trash? Throw it out the window??” I couldn’t contain my laughter. Not only did she have NO idea how a plane works, but why would you throw trash out the window in any vehicle?! Only in Guatemala… haha. We are going to miss her when we leave. 

 Kassara is a leaf stenciling expert. She is going to start selling them if you are interested! She gave one to Guillermo and he kept in his scriptures to always remember Kassara!
 One of the Elders on Pday showing off his awesome pants that he bought for 1 ket!

We brought 2 LIVE chickens to the Choc family today!  Live chickens are really the only way here. They have some frozen chicken for the higher class, and they sell some gross meat in the market, but most people don’t have refrigeration so live chickens are their only option. The Choc’s have made us caldo 2 times and we know that it isn’t cheap for them to feed us. They were SO excited for the chickens! She was telling us that she was going to make caldo for us with the chicken we gave her . She is so giving. One of the main reasons we were giving her the chickens was to pay back their chicken that we had already eaten. 
A whole chicken only costs 3 dollars, but that’s a days pay for a typical person here. 

 One of the better off families in the area. They have a pila and beds. It is crazy how our view has changed.

 Kass and Gmo!

 Outside of the nicer home

 The secret garden we found!

Couldn't resist! Found this shirt at one of the paca's in the market! Pacas are the big lots of DI stuff that people buy for cheap and then resell! Obviously the grandpa didn't feel the same love for the grandkids... or he died. 
 Wrapping presents! 

There is this cute little girl named Susie who always runs up to us and hugs us. She is our favorite! We decided to wrap a little toy baby doll and give it to her! It was the cutest thing ever. We took her aside from the other kids while she opened it so it wouldn’t cause problems. She opened just the corner of the present and as soon as she registered what it was she started squealing with delight! I wish we had a video of her reaction. She was so grateful and told us thank you probably 5 times.  

 Just our friendly neighborhood drunk! We had some fun with him! hahaha
 I bought some big star jeans at a paca store here! I was so excited! Here are the details. I hate hearing my own voice recorded! 

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